Hello Again Kats & Kittens, Friend & Fiend,
Here’s something fun…Put down some shekels, learn a craft, help someone out financially, & eat! All in about one hour. What is not better"? ChefsFeed is a very Kool site to learn cooking, mixology, kitchen skills, by helping an unworking pro with dough, (not dough but dough, you know), & get together with others…like people…like we used to do… now it’s LIVESTREAMING.
Super fun & not hard on the wallet. We did the HowTo Biscuits with Chef J. Jackson outta Brokeland, NY. Biscuits were hugely good & easy to make. Go here.☟
The MIXTAPE thing from yestermorn…got this reporter thinkin’. Why not deliver a few more MIXTAPES…The InCrapid Reporter Vaults are open!, MIXTAPES created in the 80s & 90s……It’s OK just breathe, hit the play button, smile.
Disclaimer: For those about to partake…these were made in halcyon days, tape titles are mostly from a crazed, foggy, sometimes imbibed state of trying to be cute, witty, outlandish(maybe not), irreverent….or maybe plain old dumb…enjoy!
“PIP” is dialogue in the wonderful, (but not for everyone) GEEK LOVE by Katherine Dunn… Fantastic in every way…Also disturbing as hell… Seems so were we. GO BUY THIS BOOK!
YEP…what it says……
End of today’s roadshow….now go wash your hands!
Thanks for listening, until tomorrow.
Peace & Distance.